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Summer Is Finally Here!

Check out these inexpensive (or free) outdoor activities!

An Outdoor Concert

This is a great way of exploring various types of music

​​Movie Night

Take turns with friends or family to pick a movie to watch.

Explore Local Museums

Great place for you and your family to explore cultural, artistic, historical or scientific importance.

Tour Local Parks

Great place for walking, cycling and outdoor activities for the children.

Check Your Local Community Center

Many recreation centers offer free summer programs for kids.

Pretend To Be A Tourist In Your Own City

Search online for local venues and attractions. Many free options available in your own city.

Game Night

Turn off the tv and bring out the board games! An online search of "family game night ideas" for the entire family to play is also a great idea.

Farmer's Market

Great way to stock up on those ingredients for summer meals!

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